Sunday, December 25, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

So I don't know about you, but I'm always like "Oh yeah, new year, new resolutions only THIS is going to be the year.  THIS year I will actually do it.  I will!  I will!" 

Two days later.... Fuck this.  I completely fail at life, I can't do this. 

Maybe you are cool and you last longer then two days.  Just maybe.

Well I thought of a new idea this year.  I am going to break them down and come up with 12 month long resolutions.  My other problem is I have a hard time picking one thing,  I have like a million vague things I want to do and then its hard to keep to it.  You know?  So I am going to come up with 12 specific resolutions and I will take them on once month at a time.  After the month I can decide if I want to keep them up or not depending on how I decide I feel.  But I can do something for a month right?  Or should I only do it for a week...?  Ok I will do them at least the first week of the month, and then if I can manage the whole month I get a prize?  Except the prize has to not cost any money because I'm broke... dammit this is harder then I thought. 

Ok no, I'm going to do it.  It will be good.

Now to come up with the topics and the order to do them.  I'm thinking I will write them down on papers and pick them out one at a time to pick the order, otherwise I will be like.. ummm no I don't want to do that yet. Sound fair? I need to have them all planned out for the year now, and make some sort of really cute display for them.  My ultimate goal is to become more mindful, accepting, and true to myself and others. 

My ideas thus far:


  • No social media (except the blog if I so desire to blog about my journey)
  • Run/walk twice a week and take 1 class once a week
  • No candy/sweets
  • Drink 2 quarts of water a day (Ok even if I drank 1 quart that would be better than now)
  • No phone after I get in bed
  • Write everyday
  • Meditate for 10 minutes everyday  
  • No eating out/fast food

Grumble.  I just came up with another idea.  I want to find a mantra to say to myself everyday, such as look at myself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful."  Maybe a new one each month?  That sounds a little more positive.  Ok, so I will have a mantra and an action each month.  Am I giving myself to much to do??

What do you think?  Anyone want to join me?  

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The New Place

My new house is SO cute. And it fits me so wonderfully!  I hope I took enough pictures when I first moved to show you around.  But Before I moved in my friends and I cleansed and blessed my new home.  It was fun.  We burned sage and chanted as we walked around the house.  My new neighbors were all terrified I'm sure. 

It was pretty fun actually and felt right.  It was a way to cleanse and rid myself and the house of any negative items and acknowledge that it was a new beginning.  The children took part as well. 

Also, my mom brought me this.

Do you get it?  Well you should.  Its from "Its a Wonderful Life" (Maybe other places??) But that is where I know it from.  And she said the little saying with it. 
"Bread that this house may never know hunger.
Salt that life may always have flavor.
And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever."

It was all such wonderful things to start out a new chapter in my life. 

And yes, that is a Lego AT-AT walker.  I know you are really jealous.  I got it for myself.. well Cheetah Boy for Christmas... but he has destroyed it.  I have a secret stash of the parts and when I have a few free hours I will rebuild it and place it in my room....  Is that bad??

Ok. Continuing. 

This is how my brother loads his rig.  I was really scared. Somehow it all made it to the new house undamaged.  

Also, do you see that moving truck?  That wasn't mine.  But, it was so amazingly perfect. So.  I can't remember if I have talked about my noisy neighbor (ex-neighbor) across the street.  Well another neighbor was moving the same weekend, and this huge moving semi was blocking the view so he couldn't come over and intrude.  I'm sure he could see around it. But was so confused and had no idea what was going on. Which brought me such happiness. It's the small things. 

Ha, ha, ha, ha.  It couldn't have been more perfect if I tried. 

I don't really have any goo picture of the house.  Boo.  I will add them as I do project around the house and you will still get to see.  Not to worry.

One more thing, My NEW neighbor, (who also happens to be a good friend) brought me cookies. It was sweet.  Especially because sometimes I question if she has a soul.  (This will only be funny if she reads it, but I don't think she will because she doesn't read.)  

There you have it.  The beginning of my new home.  There will be many, many projects and wonderful times here. I'm excited to share them with you. 


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Catch up on my LIFE

Hey all.  Thanks for reading about my recent backpack trip.  I enjoyed writing about it and realized how very much I miss my blog!  So I am going to try to keep up a little better. Ha. We shall see.  But first I feel the need to fill you all in on the many changes in my life.  I think only family/friends even read this, and they probably all know whats going on, but just in case.  Also it will just feel better for me because I feel the need to start fresh in a way.  I don't know.

Ok so, life changes.  Oh boy.  Wow, my last post (before the backpack one) was on April 10th, 2014.  Um that is over two years ago.  Yeah some big stuff has changed. 

Grumpy and I are no longer a thing.  I know. I will allow you to weep. But it is what it is.  And honestly, we still get a long great.  Well.  He makes me angry to no end, and I still make him shake his head in complete confusion/disbelief-ness.  You will still get to hear about him here.  If that is the only reason you read my blog, which it could be. He's so weird, but gives me good funny stories to write about.  Anyway. That is all I will say on that matter.  

I moved.  I have my own little house now, which means, I think you know, more projects!!!  A whole new house full of them!  So very exciting, I know. I have already started on a few, I moved here in February. And as anyone who knows me know, I don't really just sit around and twiddle my thumbs.  I have to have something to work on. Or a million somethings.... 

I also finished my degree.  So school is done!  Finally.  Well until I decide to go back, because I probably will.  Again, because I always have to have something to do. Anyway, I have my Bachelor of Science in Social Science with a minor in Child and Family Studies.  I know, I know.  I'm so smart!!!

I guess that is it. 

Oh I now have Kitty and Catty, in addition to Doggie. Cheetah Boy is 9 now, and Little Miss is 4.  


Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Backpacking Mama

So.  Hey everyone. I know I haven't written on my blog in FOREVER.  But I wanted to share pictures of my backpacking adventure, and I wanted to write about it too, so this seemed the best choice.  So I decided to do a 2 night/3 day backpack trip on my own.  Well, I did bring Doggie, but no other humans.  This is something I have NEVER done before, and was honestly terrified about doing it.  But also super excited.  Here I go!  

Doggie was really excited too....

The whole drive I was like "am I really going to do this?  Really?  No, I think I'll turn around.  No I can do it."  Also, my phone decided to re-route me and then because I didn't have service it didn't know where I was.  So I had to use the old fashion way to figure out where I was driving.  (HUGE SIGH OF TERRIBLE-NESS)  A paper map.  What? They still exist?  

Well, I didn't get lost. I made it to the trail head safe and sound. 

Doggie with her brand new backpack.  She didn't know what to think of it at first. 

Also.  As I was first leaving, two guys were leaving at the SAME time on the SAME trail.  It was like 330 pm.  I was like "really?  really?  I hate you."  I didn't really say that, but I was slightly annoyed that they didn't get the memo this was MY trail now.  However, they were only going to the first lake which was 2 miles down the trail,  and I passed them before that. So I got to show off how awesome and not terrified I was.  I tried to get a pic of Doggie and I  however it didn't work so well.  

Oh, the beautifulness was just beginning and I had no idea. 

Day one, the logs across the trail worried Doggie. She was sit and whine on the other side, before remembering "Oh hey, I know how to jump." 

Three sisters and Mt. Washington.

Square Lake.  We stopped here for a little break. 

Doggie took a swim.  I found out she REALLY loves water. 

We continued on.  I got a little scared in the brush, because I couldn't see, and was worried a bear was hiding around each corner.  But there wasn't.  Doggie did almost step on a snake.  But I don't think it was poisonous. 

Look!  Doggie firgued it out.  I was so proud.  Ok, no I was less-annoyed.  I love her.  

Here I am, just soaking up the beautiful-wonderfulness. 

Like this.  Um. where is the trail? There is most defiantly a bear or maybe zombie hiding in there.   

Booth Lake, I wasn't sure if I should stop here, or keep going.  But I ended up continuing on. 

Three Finger Jack, which I would be hiking all the way around. 

An amazing stream, that I thought about stopping and camping near, but again I kept going.  Because I found I have a hard time stopping once I start. 

A lot of the trail was a burn zone, so I forest fire went though.. I think it was close to 20 years ago now, but it takes awhile for it all to go back, obviously.  But there were flowers EVERYWHERE.  It was amazing. 

So I started to panic a little because it was getting dark and I still wasn't at Jack Lake, where I would be camping.  I needed to camp by a water source and I had already passed the other two.  I was kicking myself for not stopping there.  And then I realized I still had my sunglasses on. Ohhhhh, it's not really that dark out yet.  I'm good to go.  I was also talking to myself in a British accent at this point.  

Getting further away from the sisters and Mt. Washington! 

Baby trees, the terrain is changing!  (Yes I said that out loud, in a British accent.  Well, What I thought one was anyway.)

Finally made it to Jack Lake and set up camp.  Apparently I didn't take any pictures of the lake :(  Probably had something to do with  being really tired. I hiked around 8 miles that first day, in a little less then 4 hours. 

Oh, my backpacking stove!  It worked. And I was able to figure it all out and cook my food.  Isn't she so cute? 

We were hiking into Three Finger Jack now. 

So there was supposed to be this lake up here, and then you loop around and come back down.  Well I thought I would be coming back down a different trail.  Well, that wasn't true and I very must regretting carrying my pack up half of the mountain!   

This was the lake.  Umm. I wasn't impressed.  But it was a nice view.  And if you look closely, on the left you can see a faint line of a trail on the ridge.  Well, I would be hiking up there tomorrow.  But first going ALLLL the way down and back up. 

Yes, there was snow up there.  Oh, and the first night was COLD.  I forgot to mention that. 

A butterfly on a flower.  This picture does not do it justice! 

So pretty.  This was behind me, hiking back down from Three Finger Jack. 

Wasco Lake.  Again, just all so pretty. 

Looking down at Wasco Lake from the PCT.  So yes, that was a climb.   

I camped at Koko Lake the second night, and the water felt AMAZING on my sore stinky feet. 

Doggie apparently likes to dig holes and then lay in them.

I sat out on this log and wrote in my journal and just thought for awhile.  It was so peaceful. 

This deer hung out in our camp all night, and Doggie kept waking up to bark at her.  Both nights I was in my tent before it got dark.  And I am a little mad at myself for not getting up in the middle of the night to see the stars.  But I was too scared to leave the safeness of my tent. You know, with all the security a tent can hold.  

My first views of Mt. Jefferson the next morning. 

Snow on the path!  Oh no. 

Doggie kept wanting to run down the side of the hill... It was stressing me out.  It was a long climb up that!  This is the trail that you could see from where I sat on Three Finger Jack the day before. 

So I was way down in the meadow the day before. 

So thankful for my body that is strong enough.

Are you kidding me?

I love seeing the flowers that grow out of rocky places.  They remind me that no matter how rocky your path is, you can still bloom. 

I picked up some rocks for my son.  Yes, rocks.  Really what you want to pick up while backpacking

No idea what this was about... but it was cool I guess. 

I'm guessing this used to be full of lava and angry-ness.  Or just water when the snow melts.... It was kinda scary to look down it though. 

All these rocks really wanted to fall down and squish me, I might have ran through this portion of the trail....

I can see the cars!

Someone had left a bunch of sodas and candy by the trail head, for PCT through hikers.  And I know I wasn't one, but this can was calling my name.  Thank you whoever left it.  You saved my life.  

I did it!  I fucking did it.