
About Me

Here is a silly picture of my family.

This was taken over Christmas 2012. Obviously it was before the dog joined our family. 

So from left to right (in case you weren't sure)  that is me The Super-Mommy herself!!  Next is Cheetah Boy, who is currently six and in kindergarten.  You know who is next!  That's right say it with me; Grumpy.  He is holding Little Miss who just turned one in April, so here she was, let me think, eight months.  She takes after her daddy, we should call her Little Miss Grumpy.

In April we added Doggie.  She is a golden retriever puppy. 

Isn't she just a doll??  I never knew that I was such a dog person until we got her!  I love her so much.

So that is my family.  Well, I have a bunch of siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins and a grandma, (as I'm sure you know because they are probably the only ones reading this!  Thanks guys, I love you!!) but this is who lives with me in my home. 

Love my family more than anything!  But some days I want to lock myself in the bathroom away from them all!  I'm sure you know the feeling.

Some random facts about me. 

I love Star Wars.  Like really, really love Star Wars.  I used to be able to literally quote the movies all the way through.  I don't think I could now, but probably still could a good 75% of the movies.  I'm more than a little nervous about Star Wars being sold to Disney for the next 3 movies.  But you will probably find me at the midnight premier just the same.

I'm not actually this funny in real life.  In fact, I'm really shy and quiet and pretty much don't talk.  I write how I think in my head.  Apparently I think funny-ly.  Well that's what everyone is saying.

We live in the Pacific Northwest.  In the most beautiful state of all!  That is right.  Oregon.  No not Ore-GONE. It's Oregon. 

Probably the most exciting, adventure I have been on (besides being a stay at home mama of course) was joining AmeriCorps NCCC.  It was awesome.  If you have any questions let me know!  I highly recommend it.

I enjoy running, though at the time I am writing this I haven't been able to run much because I messed up my knee.  Stupid knee. 

I try to be environmentally friendly.  I made my own reusable shopping bags, I use cloth diapers, we have a garden, yadda, yadda, yadda.  I do what I can, probably not as much as I should, but I try. 

I like to have stuff neat, organized and simple.

I don't know what else to tell you, I'm really not that interesting of a person!  I just pretend to be in the blog!

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