Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Living Room: Part 4

On to the window wall!!!  It was REALLY difficult to paint that wall and not for the reasons I had anticipated.  The sunlight was constantly shinning through them, so I was not able to see the paint and check if I had missed spots!  As you can see in this picture.  No it is not a bad picture, this is what it was like for reals.  

I also needed to move the TV and stand in order to paint in the corner.  I probably should have waited until Grumpy was home to help me move that... but in case you haven't noticed, I'm impatient when it comes to my projects.  After moving the TV, I found this....

I should add "cleaning behind the TV" to my cleaning list...This is what happens when you have children. 
Ok, seriously. See how difficult that is to see?!?!  Stupid light.  Obviously I was just going to have to get the ladder out....
Soooo, I ended up getting the ladder out... and you know that step that says you are not supposed to step on it because it is too high?  This one:

I MIGHT have stepped on it.....  But obviously you shouldn't.  (I don't want someone getting hurt and being like "well Super Mommy did it".  Seriously, don't, it's not safe.)  Grumpy is going to be very upset at me.  It actually was scary.  I got a little freaked out, I'm not going to lie.  However, I'm about 99% sure my neighbor who is ALWAYS outside tending to his yard or vehicles or people watching, was spying on me.  So if I fell I'm sure he would have seen and called 911 or something. 
Anyway I finished the window wall.  Little Miss woke up before I was done.  Of course, so she hung out in her play pen for awhile.  And then I blocked off the wet paint area from her and Doggie.  It worked out fine actually.
I had to wait until it was dark out to take a good after picture of the wall.  Gah, the blinds look gross.  I need new blinds.
Next I shall paint the other wall in the living room a off-whitish/cream color.  Stay tuned!!!
What? You missed the previous parts of this series?  Check them out!  Part 1,  Part 2,  and Part 3!!