
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Start of Blog Giveaway!

I read in a book about blogging.  Or maybe I read it in a blog about blogging.  Or both.  Anyway, I learned that it is a good idea to do giveaways to help your audience grow.  Everyone, and I mean everyone, loves free stuff!  So, I will attract you all like bugs to a light and then once you read a post or two you will be hooked!  That is my evil plan!  Not really evil, because it will make you happy, and me.

The Prize!!  (Are you ready for this?)


This lovely bag that I made!  Even better: It may (or may not! It's a mystery) be filled with random craft items that have been in my craft space for the past year that I just haven't used....

How can you win?  Several ways!  You will actually have the opportunity to have 10, that is right 10, entries each! 

1. Like my page on Facebook at The Super-Mommy.
2. Share my page on your Facebook page (a total of 4 times over 5 days-each share equals 1 entry, that make sense??)
3. Follow me on Instagram Thesupermommyblog.  Um I don't think I can do a link for that because I think you can only do it on your phone??
4. Follow my blog by email. (This gets you 4 entries!)

I THINK I will be able to see who likes my page and shares it and follows by email, but just in case comment on this post and let me know what you did!  I will put every one's name in a lovely jar and let Cheetah Boy pick a name out.  You might persuade him to pick yours if you send him toys and candy. 

You have until Sunday, April... oh wait it will be May.  May 5th at 11:59 pm.  We will do the drawing on Monday.

Ready, set, GO!

(Thank you for liking, sharing, and following.  Even if you don't win I hope you will enjoy my blog and I really appreciate you!  Really, really!  I just love you!)


What do you hope/think is inside the bag?


  1. Hmmmm...I want some of your craft projects.....nothing more, nothing less....ok, maybe a little sock monkey for my 3 I have: Greta Blaize, Bjorn, and Grant. Yes I name them and take them on trips with me...AL

  2. Emily!!! I just found your blog via your pinterest post!!! Love it!!! Anyways, Im at work right now, not "working" and I see that Im an hour late for the give away :( Can I still enter, pretty please?? if not no worries, I will still follow your lovely blog via email and instagram!!
    love jaime

  3. I shared on my FB, I follow by e-mail, and I like your FB page! Keeping my fingers crossed- I love your bags!! :)
