
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back Deck: Part 6

New posts three days in a row?!?!  What the what??  I know!  I'm getting back into this blogging business!
I love how Grandpa Obi-Mon keeps his notes.   Classic.
Finally a post is in!!!  Well sorta.  Oh my goodness.  Next came like an eternity of me having to hold a board just so, while Grandpa Obi-Mon made sure it was level this way and that way and another way and some other way.  Side note:  I can't remember if I told you all this or not, but my mom, Grandma Amazingness, (I don't know, I need a name for her) has been watching the children while Grandpa Obi-Mon and I are outside working.  I know she is seriously made of pure awesomeness!  Both my parents are.  Ok moving on.  Oh yeah the picture of a post in!  Yay.

Cheetah Boy wanted to look like Grandpa Obi-Mon. 

The next two pictures are of Grandpa Obi-Mon measuring the 8x12's that are part of the... I don't know the cross beams or something of the deck.  (I don't know their official name.)  Anyway, even though they are all supposed to be 8x12's, they measure different!  Which messes up with things being level.  Don't believe me?  Take a look for yourself. 

The second one is a quarter of an inch shorter!  Annoying.  Luckily Grandpa Obi-Mon knows what to do, he has a secret awesome thing that he does. I can't tell you it is so top-secret.  Ok I will, he slid a tiny piece of a shingle under the ones that are a little too short.  It works!
The deck is coming together!

Seriously though.  I don't think you guys understand how many different directions this has to be level and then how the whole thing has to be square.  And Grandpa Obi-Mon kept yelling at me because I would say "Yup it's level"  and then he would look and grumble about how it was NOT level.  I was fired from using the level and had to just hold the posts or whatever other lumber product.
Oh yeah, this happened.  Yup.  2013 Honda Pilot baby!  Isn't Grumpy so good to me?  Love you Grumps.

Back to the deck!  Grandpa Obi-Mon wanted me to take a picture of him using this really big saw.  It is called the "BIG FOOT" because it is such a big saw.  See?  It can cut through the 4x4's. 

Yeah, he is a pretty tough guy with his BIG FOOT! 

Oh, this might not be that funny to you guys because you were not there, but at one point I read this little tag that was on a board that said "Not intended for ground contact" and I totally freaked out Grandpa Obi-Mon because he became all worried it was on the posts.  He might have had a little panic attack.  However, the sticker was NOT on the posts, they had one that said they could come in contact with the ground.  So then Grandpa Obi-Mon and I had an ongoing joke and were saying silly things like "Oh the decking says 'not intended for decking purposes" and stuff like that.  We had another one that was funny, but now I can't remember it.  But we kept saying those lines over and over and over and over again.  Ok, it was at the end of the day and it was about 95 degrees out.  We were tired and loopy.  It is so much fun to work with my Daddy-Oh.
Oh yeah.  I also had to pound these really large nuts... or bolts... (I always get them mixed up) into the posts. 
It was difficult.  As this picture clearly illustrates.  My arm was sore after.

Grandpa Obi-Mon is walking on the deck!  La-te-da!!

Grrr.  I just had a paragraph written here and I accidently deleted it.  (sigh)  I am so annoyed.  Ok anyway.  It is now time to put on some actual decking!  I love the color.  It will look so good when it is all done!  If it is ever all done....
We got this awesome spacer deal that helps you to place the screws in the right place and make sure each piece of decking is spaced correctly.  It is pretty awesome. 
So there you have it.  Some more work done.  We are FAR, FAR, FAR from being finished, but there is some progress. It will get there eventually.
Tomorrow, well tomorrow and tomorrow night and Saturday, I will be running Hood to Coast!  I'm so excited!  I have been wanting to do this sense my sisters started running it like 5 years ago, and I finally was able to get onto the team this year!  I am super excited and nervous because I haven't been training for it.  Oh well. It will be fun!
Little Miss is screaming, I should go.
NOTE:   I have been corrected, they are 6x2's not 8x12's lol  apparently those would be MUCH larger!  9/02/13

1 comment:

  1. Your deck is coming along!!! Your parents are amazing, love it! I can't think of a clever name for your mama, but she deserves something spectacular. Have a great run... good luck!
