
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Canning with Children: Part 2

I have done some more canning.  However, nothing terrible or awkward happened like with my first canning attempt this year.  So I have nothing funny to write about.  I'm sorry.  I will try to make sure something funny happens next time.  I will just let you know what I have done thus far, so you can either say "wow I'm so jealous of her awesomeness"  or you can say "HA!  I have done so much more!  Clearly I am the real super-mommy (or daddy, or whoever)."  Whichever applies to you.  That is what I am here for. 

Ok, so this is what I did!  I canned 9 pints of pickled onions. I have never tried that one before, no idea how they will turn out.  I will let you know!  Or you can let me know if you have done it before.

Oh, and while I was canning the onions... I was also doing this.  That is right, during one Little Miss nap time I was able to paint a hallway AND can onions.  I'm that talented.  Little Miss was such a good sport to take a good long nap for me!  And actually I did start the onions a little before I put her down.  But still. 

I also went blueberry picking with my cousins.  Look at the little children!  Aren't they adorable?

With the blueberries I made this goop.
No really, I canned 7 pints of blueberry jam.  And I used the low sugar pectin, so we will see how that works.  And I also made 4 pints of blueberry syrup!  I know right?  Yum.  And one pint of blueberry butter.
Next I canned 9 pints of green beans!  I don't have a picture of that sorry.  I took one, but I have not put it on the computer yet, and I don't feel like doing that right now because I want to hurry and finish this post before Grumpy gets home.  We are going to be working on the deck more!  Grandpa Obi-Mon will be here soon, so yeah I want to finish this all up.  Ok, I probably COULD have uploaded the picture in the time it is taking me to write all this weirdness about it but whatever.
So there you go.  Some more canning done!  I am hoping to get another batch of green beans done shortly.  If Grumpy would stop just eating them all.  Grrr.
Little Miss has been grunting away, and I think she has finished pooping now so I better go change her.
P.s.  I think I have gotten some recent FB likes from people who are NOT my friends!  Oh my goodness I love you guys!  I am so honored and just... gah love you!  So thank you all:)
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1 comment:

  1. Those are some cute kids! Did you use a pressure canner on the green beans, or hot water bath? ~Miles
