
Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days of Simple ABC Crafts for Familes: Day One

Hello my dear followers.  So if you notice, it would appear that "Lists" won.  Although, actually it did not.  It is POSSIBLE that two individuals voted lists because that is what I implied I wanted to do, however they would have both voted for the ABC crafts.... I will not reveal their names for their own safety.  I'm sorry I tried to fix the results.  I feel terrible, and so I will do what in fact SHOULD have won.  I know I said you have until midnight. But I really don't think anyone else will vote.  And other bloggers have put up their 31 day deals, so I feel I must as well.  (For those who did want lists, well I promise I will do a series on them after this.  And honestly I don't think I could come up with 31 different lists.  But maybe.) 
31 Days of Simple ABC Crafts for Families
Look at the fancy picture I made too!  And I am trying to make a "button" for people to pin and stuff or whatever, but I haven't quite figured it out yet.  If anyone knows how, please help me.
So here is what I am going to do.  I am going to come up with some fun letter themed craft or crafts each day.  They will be for the whole family, so  centered around children, however, adults are welcome to join in the fun.  I know what you are thinking, it will be super easy for me.  Um, no.  I realize it appears that I am super crafty, and I am when it comes to following patterns and stealing ideas from others.  I am not so good at coming up with original ideas myself though.  But I want to try!  I will probably have some links to other alphabet crafts, (because blog people like it when you link up and the such) but I will do my best to come up with my own.  I am also going to try to make them all out of just items I have around the home, thus the "simple" in the title.  I hate finding awesome crafts online but then unable to do them because they call for a bunch of weird stuff.  So I will do my best to make them with items I have, of course I might have a large craft item supply already..... but nothing that crazy.
I will do something like a letter a day... although there are 31 days to this challenge and only 26 letters.... hmm.  Well this one counts as day 1, so now only 30 more.  I don't know I will figure something out. 
And so without further ado, I will begin!  Well I will post this as the first one, so I guess you will have to wait another day to see what A craft I come up with,  or maybe I will start with Z and go backwards?  Or just pick randomly.  I hadn't thought of this.  I told you this was last minute. 
Alright. I hope you enjoy.  I will post the winner (picked randomly) later, in case a few more folks do try to enter at the last moment. 
If you are doing the challenge post a link to your series in the comments!!
Please take the time to Like me on Facebook
and follow my blog!  Thank you so much.

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