Friday, May 17, 2013

Craft Space: Part 2

I know I am a terrible person.  I invaded Grumpy's "Man Cave".  But he never used it!!!  You saw the previous post!  It was just full of random stuff and needed cleaned out anyway!    And I only use the corner!  Kinda.... Grumpy, oh so kindly, helped me move all my crap down there, as well as my desk which was in our bedroom. Here are some pictures.  I know super-duper messy!  It all needs organized!

I am not sure I like the arrangement.  I might move them around.  I also need some more organizy items so it isn't all so messy!!

Ok fast forward.  It now looks like this.  Yes a HUGE mess down there!  But Cheetah Boy likes to do crafts too.



So nice to have a space to just sit and craft.  I have had it like this for... oh about half a year now probably.  However, time for a change!  I never leave stuff be for long.  Cheetah Boy can play or craft down there while I craft, but it is NOT Little Miss proof.  So I think I will work on that next.  Rearrange stuff and make it Little Miss proof and more of a play room with my craft stuff in the corner.  That way Grumpy can have his own space (well kinda) in the living room if he needs to watch TV or play video games to unwind from working so hard all day.  (He is such a hard worker to provide for the family.)

I think I will paint down there too.  Here let me post a few more picture of the whole room.  Oh hey Little Miss what are you up to?  Apparently I just cleaned up down there.  And look at that beautiful blue wall! 

It is a pretty good sized room.  Oh and there is this in the corner.  Stupid flash. Sorry! 
So yeah there is this little wet bar deal or whatever they are called. It has a sink and little fridge and wine shelf.  It does not need to be there.  I will be destroying that.  I will probably get Grandpa Bad-Ass to help out (my Dad, the kiddo's Grandpa).  He is pretty awesome and can basically do anything.  Oh, and in that picture you can see up the stairs with the hand prints!  So cute. 
Ok, so there you have it.  I guess this project will change into the Playroom/Craft Space project now.  So it is sort of like I actually finished a project right?  No, not really.  Wasn't that exciting though?  You thought you were just going to read a post about the craft space, and instead you got the in on a new project! 
What color should I paint down here? 


  1. I love the squares above your desk, are they like "inspiration boards"? I also love the handprints in the hallway - SO cute! I'm jealous of your laundry room, ours is in the garage so it's not cute at all. And your blog makes me want to paint my whole house!! Very inspiring, keep it up! Check out my blog, - I blog about random stuff, the last 3 posts have been about potty training, so yes, my life is super exciting right now! :)

    1. I didn't know you had a blog! I will totally check it out!:) And yeah its my inspiration boards. Fun random stuff:)
