Friday, May 10, 2013

Sh*t my Kids Say: Part 2

Some funnies:) 

"You are so cute Mother of mine."  I  promise I didn't tell him to say this!  And after I was like awww so cute, he had to go one step further.

"Mother of mine you are so beautiful and cute (How sweet Cheetah Boy!)  and old."  Great.  Thanks.

"You said a bad word to a poor old lady."  I have no idea where this came from!  But anytime he dresses up in his police costume he arrests me and gives me tickets because apparently I always say bad words to poor old ladies.  I'm a terrible person!

"I'm too tired to go to sleep."  Of course after I giggled at this one, he kept saying it every night.   

"Spiders are my friends.  So if I want to play with my friends I can play with spiders!  And ants!"  I love that he loves bugs, even though I get chills down my spine every time he shows me his 'friends' that he lets crawl up his arms. 

"It's better then Mommy having a baby.  And better then waiting in a chair doing nothing."  I should have written down what he was talking about here, but I forgot that part.      

"Mommy! I just can't get this song out of my head!  Maybe I will go to the doctor and he will take it out of my brain!  With no gloves!"  Some kids at school taught him that Gangman Style song and he kept singing it.  Of course he had no idea what he was singing or saying, but he did have the tune right!  Quietly he asked me if there was a part in the song that was a bad word. "ohhhh sexy lady"   

Little Miss isn't talking too much yet, but she has started saying "Uh Oh"  BEFORE she drops something off her highchair.

What silly things have your kids said this week?

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