Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day.

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!  I realize as a blogger is it now my responsibility to have like fun stuff for holidays.  So I apologize for not being on the ball and having something done before hand to help you celebrate and have a marvelous day!  I also am supposed to have something super inspirational or a tear jerking story or whatever to help you feel good and happy about how wonderful being a Mama is or how to be super thankful for your own mother.  However, I'm not really good at touchy feely stuff like that, so I will allow my thoughts to wonder and you get to read it!  (I just love having a blog.  You all just read the weird, random stuff that goes through my mind!)

Some days, being a mom really f'ing sucks.  Like big time.  Recently a friend of mine said "No one told me being a mom would be this hard!"  My reply was "Yes, they did.  You just don't understand it until you actually are a parent.  You can't."  Kids will be screaming, needing one thing and then needing something else.  They throw up all over you, they poop on you, they hit you and scratch you, they tell you they hate you, they bite you, they pull your boob right off!  They never stop demanding your time, energy, resources and love.  They scream and scream, and once they know how to talk they ask and ask and ask. And the moment you think you are going to get a break, well you don't.  And it doesn't end. 24/7/365.  Forever and ever.  Why did we sign up for this anyway?  Some days I want to pull all my hair out and fall down on the floor and weep.  Some days when my child wont stop crying, I just sit and hold her and weep right along with her.  Some days I beg my children to please, please, please just behave.  Please let me sleep. Please let me finish cleaning the house.  Please just let me take a deep breath!  Seriously. 

"Mommy, I just love you."

Or a smile from the baby.

Oh, that's why.  That is all it takes.  Love you too kiddos. 

I hope you had a wonderful day!  If you are a Mom, I hope you took the time (what time?) to do something for yourself, even if it was just a couple minutes!  You deserve it.  And if you aren't, I hope you took the time to tell your Mom, or wife, or whoever that they are an awesome mom, because you will never understand how difficult it is to do all they do! 



  1. Right! ?
    You are a wonderful mommy!

  2. Spot on, mate! Love you Super-Mommy! Your kids are awesome and you are their amazing mother!

  3. Thanks ladies! You are both super-duper mommy's too!
