Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why I love Farmer's Markets

Ok, so not so long ago, I had never really been to a farmers market. I don't really like people.  They stress me out, so walking around a bunch of booths where people just talk to you, kind of freaks me out.  I'm not kidding.  However, Grumpy finally somehow convinced me to go to one last fall.  And guess what?  I loved it.  LOVED it.  So fun.  So now I am going to challenge myself to ONLY buy produce from the farmers market throughout this summer/fall.  Ok, probably wont happen.  My children love bananas, and I don't think those grow around here, however I will do my best.  So here you go, my reasons why I love them so much.

The kids love it!  Cheetah Boy gets all excited.  Of course he had to make a silly face for the picture, but every time I tell him it is Saturday and we get to go to the market he cheers.  I love it.  Little Miss doesn't really care either way.  But she will be growing up going.

You can go with friends!  Here I am with a dear friend of mine. 

Yes, there are lots of people that I don't like. (No one specific, I just don't like people), however, they are all like minded individuals from my community.  No one who like, hates the environment, crafts and outdoors is going to be there.  So you are surrounded with people who at least have some things in common with you!  If that makes sense.

It supports your community.  These are farmers from your local community selling their produce and other items.  My guess is none of them drove for more then say, an hour, to get there.  And actually I think there is a distance limit in order to sell stuff.  So you know you are spending money that will go back into your community.  And plus, it's NOT spending money at big corporations that take over the world.  If you are into stuff like that....

I realize that isn't really a list... but farmers markets are awesome, just trust me and go!! 

Also, in case you are offended when I say I don't like people that really means I am shy and don't like being the center of attention/ strangers talking to me. 


What do you love about farmer's markets??

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