Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Days of Simple ABC Crafts for Familes: Day Two Epic Fail

(Sniffle, sniffle)  I can't do this.  I'm sorry.  I really, really, really, really wanted to and thought I could, or wanted to think I could, or something like that.  But clearly it is not happening.  I'm super upset with myself so please don't be too mad that I won't be posting every-single-day-this-month about one topic.  I would probably be weeping writing this post, if it were not for the glass of wine I just gulped.  Yeah I am drunk blogging right now.  Not recommended.  Ok not really, but kind of.

So yeah I can't do this 31 day deal.  A new term just started and I'm taking two online history classes .  Which basically means I have like a million pages a week to read (literally) and 2-3 essays A WEEK to write, as well as 4 "discussion" posts to write each week.  I am super excited about my classes;  History of Oregon and History of women 1850-1920 or something.  I think they will both be really interesting!  (I love history.)  So, I just can't do this extra blogging project right now. 

Plus, I'm working on this other project in my home (nope, not telling you yet because if I tell you I will jinx it and it won't work out... oh shit I already told you didn't I?  I'm trying to start up and in-home daycare.   Well, if I hadn't told you, you know now!  And this is the longest sentences in parentheses ever, I think I will go in the world record book.) And this other project is taking a lot of time and energy as well.  And I'm really excited about it, so I need to keep with it.  (I was really excited about this series too.... waaaaaaaaaaaaa.)

And if you guys don't believe me that I was really excited, I literally spent ONE-WHOLE-NAP-TIME (a long nap, 2 hours) working on and making this awesome picture deal.

I'm not kidding.  It took me forever to take a million different pictures, until I liked one and then figured out how to put text on the picture and make it look super pretty, then I was trying to figure out how to make it a button, and copying and pasting all these weird html codes or whatever they are called.  I forgot where I was going with that.  (Drunk blogging, not a good idea!)  Oh yeah, I was really excited about doing this.  I thought it would make me a REAL LEGIT blogger.  

Moral of the story.  I am NOT super-mommy, clearly.  But you know what, no one is!  If anyone says or looks like they are doing it all, they are totally lying to you.  Mommy-hood is f'ing hard and it takes SO much out of you.  It is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but it is really, really, really difficult some days.  Well, most days it is.  And although I believe that is super important to take care of yourself, and do things you enjoy just for YOU, you can't do everything you want to.  How to do you choose?  I wish I had some magic formula you plugged it all into that would spit out the answer... something like... I don't know just some cool formula.  But I don't.  Grumpy would say "well do what is logical."  Right because everything is just so obviously "logical" and there is one right answer for everything.  Um, no.  

I lost my train of thought again. 

Look, none of us are super-mommy and yet ALL of us are super-mommy.  That is all there is to it.

So I am sad, but will also be able to give a sigh of relief and concentrate on other things.  Oh, I will still blog!  Well try to, but it won't be everyday this month and about one specific topic!

Have a good night.




  1. three things:

    1) you are super mommy. You squeeze more productivity out of the day than any person I know, and we are all very lucky to have you.

    2) Drunk blogging = funny.

    3) Who won the contest??????

    1. Thanks Grumpy. Sorry, I posted the winner on my Facebook Page!

  2. Oh Emily!! I think blogging for 31 days straight is insane!! Who has time for that?!?! Im actually glad you aren't going to force yourself to do it!! As moms, we all have so much on our plates to begin with, blog when you feel like it and time allows...otherwise just be you, the Super Mommy!! Your kids, your family, and your friends all love you, whether you "can" blog for 31 days straight on one topic or not!! It doesn't make you less of a blogger either!! Your blog is amazing, and I love how much of your personality shines through it!! Keep it up, but don't let it hold you back in the other areas in your life!!

    And also.... drunk blogging....that's freaking funny!!!

  3. This might be my favorite post so far! You f*ing rock. As a new mom of 2, I'm not even finding time to go to the bathroom when I need to, let alone classes, blog, decks, daycares, doggies, etc! Keep the honesty coming, I love it.
