Sunday, November 3, 2013

Back Deck: Part 9

World record of longest time between posts.  Seriously. 

I'm going to kind of fast forward a bunch.  Or at least put a bunch into one post.... Because, well the back deck is done and I'm SICK OF IT, well I mean sick of it not being done and whatever else.

So here is about what happened.  We were working on the deck and there was a huge mess in the backyard! 

I was rehired as level manager... and fired and rehired again.  I don't know.  But maybe I was the only one there so Grandpa Obi-Mon didn't have a choice but  to use me as level manager.
Until the day that Uncle Crazy Pants showed up to help and apparently he is better with the level then I am.  Boo!!  However, I don't think he really is any better, but Grandpa trusts him when he says it's level so he doesn't double check it all.  Whatever.  
But it was super cool he came up to help because we were able to lay down a bunch more decking!!  And that same day my mom came up and watched the kids so Uncle, Grandpa and I got a lot of work done!  Grumpy just slept.... But he is working nights soooo I guess that was ok.
Little Miss wanted to nurse while I was working one of the days.  I think this was actually before the day that my mom and brother came up.... But I don't remember. They all kind of melt together.  That is what happens when I don't blog for a long time, then I forget all my funny sayings I thought of while working and taking pictures. And I forget the order of it all.
Luckily Little Miss decided playing in the dirt was more fun.  Well yeah obviously this was before the previous pictures because there is no deck there... and there was in the other pictures.

Looking good!!!  There are some stairs!!!

POOF!  Just like magic it is done!  Ok not magic.  Poof after like 6 months it is finally done!!! 

It looks so good!  I need to get a picture of it from the yard and then show you all what it used to look like again!  I will do that another day.

So there you are!  Awesome back deck.  Seriously so awesome. 


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