
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Entryway: Part 2

I am going to try out a few new fun painting toys.  First of all, a edger thing to see if it will work so I don't have to tape so much.  And because I don't always feel like the tape works.  This thing. Stupid glare from the flash. Sorry folks.  I hope I can take a picture of a product and talk about.  I wonder if I could get in trouble for that...?  I'll let you know!  Or maybe not, because I'll be in jail.  Ok I'm freaking myself out. 

I just deleted it because I freaked myself out too much.  So instead here is a picture of me using it, so you can't actually tell what it is....  It is a little roller thing with a flat deal at the end that is SUPPOSED to stop the paint from leaking I guess.


I think I will still tape AND use this deal and then if it doesn't work it I will see it on that tape, not the actual trim.  (Good thinking Super-Mommy!  Thanks.)


While I was busy taping, I found this!  Naughty, naughty.  Clearly whoever painted this house last did not do a very good job taping either!  I think we should get a refund.

This is under the railing.  Really people?  Now that is just terrible!  You didn't even try!
All Little Miss let me get done.  Oh also all I could reach.  I need to get a extend dealy for the roller to reach up to the corner.  Looking pretty good though if I do say so myself!  Not really sure what the little rectangles are at the bottom.  Maybe that paint was more wet then the rest when I took the picture...? I don't know.
Check out Part 1 of this series here.
I can't think of a question again.  Tell me something random:)

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