
Friday, May 24, 2013

Entryway: Part 3

It has been a busy week for me, sorry I haven't had much posts up! I have been blogging so much, I was a little behind in my class and needed to catch up on some homework! 
I made some progress on the entryway though!! I am so excited.  This is going to look so pretty.  So f'ing pretty.  
Oh and no, the edger deal did NOT work!  Good thing I put the tape up too.  I guess it is kind of hard to see in this picture, but there is paint all over that tape!

This picture is of down the stairs.  I just painted that little wall deal the darker blue too.  Don't  you just love it??  Well that is another crappy picture.

Oh and I got a extend pole deal for the roller.  Wow!  I can reach the paint way down there when I stand on the chair!!
I was making Grumpy nervous standing on the chair over the stairs painting.  I was doing it on his day off (Bad choice, I usually do these things when he works so he doesn't back-seat-paint or whatever else.  But he was there to watch the kids, so I wanted to get some stuff done!  Anyway. So he helped a little.  
Um.  So.  These blues are two different blues, but they look the same!  But they are different I swear.  You can see a little bit of the darker blue I accidently got on the lighter blue wall so you see they are different there.  But that's it!  Grumpy doesn't believe me that they are different.  Maybe when they dry it will be easier to tell.

Little Miss hanging out in Doggie's crate while I painted.  Silly thing!  The dog hates it, but Little Miss loves it!

I can't get the tiny top most corner!!!  It is really bugging me!  (And see in that picture they look like they are different colors.)  I don't know what I am going to do about that corner.  I will have to do something.  So annoying.  I like things PERFECT. That is defiantly NOT perfect.  But I couldn't reach it because I just had to use this other edger that I got (that does seem to work by the way) on the extend deal, and it just won't go into the corner. 
Um.  I was just about to write some closing thought and I totally forgot what it was.  I hate it when that happens!  Omg, I can't remember.   Oh well I should go.  I would like to go to sleep, but sounds like Little Miss woke up and is crying for me.
I am almost done with this one!  I need to hang up the kids artwork and then it will be pretty much done!  Woohoo!  A finished project!  well I still have to get that stupid corner though.
 No question! You get a free pass today:)

If you are not busy, read Part 2! Or maybe even Part 1! Sorry I guess I put that in backwards huh...?

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