
Monday, July 1, 2013

Living Room: Part 5

Oh goodness!  It has been a few days.  I'm sorry!  School has started back up again for the summer.  I am only taking one class again, but it takes up some of my time.  Plus I have been busy with some other activities.  I'm sorry, I know seeing that I have put up a new post is the highlight of your day!!   
Continuing on with the Living room!  So I finished painting the green window wall... even though in this picture it doesn't look like I did, I guess I took it before hand.  However, this is the other wall in the living room that needs painted, as well as the corner section that is in the middle of the house with the living room/dinning room and kitchen on different sides of it.  (That makes sense?  No?  Too bad.) 

I picked a lovely off white/cream type color.  And I think I mentioned this before, but I do as much prep work as I can before Little Miss goes down for her nap.  Well today Doggie decided to eat the tape..... (Gross!  That wall is Gross!)

And as soon as I got her to stop, Little Miss decided she needed some tape too.  (I had some super funny lines I was going to post about these pictures, but I forgot what they were now.... But it was something about how I think these two communicate with each other in order to make my life difficult.)  I love them both very much. 
When I finally got little Miss to sleep I started painting away!!
I had to use the extender deal for the painting.  Look how high up that is!!!  I really hope I don't get any on the celling.  I did not climb back up on the ladder to tape the celling.  I just used the edger deal.

So on the one wall I have these shelves.  (The tree on top my Grandpa made shortly before he passed away, and the bird houses below are ones that Cheetah Boy painted.)

Well they are screwed to the wall, or at least the mounts are screwed to the wall.  I don't feel like unscrewing them, and I am going to put the shelves back up, so I don't need to paint there right....?  Is that bad?

Oh my goodness!  These tall ceilings!  Even with the extend deal it is hard work! 
My neck is killing me!  As you can clearly see in this picture.  I do not recommend purchasing a house with high ceilings.   
I barley had enough paint, and I didn't have anymore roller paint dish deals, and I really wanted to paint sooooo I used our baking sheet.  It was really old and we needed a new one anyway!  Now I just have a better excuse to go buy a new cookie sheet. 
It ended up taking me several days to get it all painted, but I did finally.

Now the living room is all put back together!  Grumpy can rejoice.  He wasn't a fan or having the room where he watches TV all in shambles.
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