
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sh*t My Kids Say: Part 4

I realized I haven't done one of these in awhile!  I'm sorry!  People you need to remind me of these things.

Ok, let's see what Cheetah Boy said lately.

"To learn more go to!"  We were playing some silly TV game, and I was pretending to do a commercial for bananas and when I was done he said that.  Wow, how things have changed sense I was a kid.

"I wish I was Spider-Man."  Yeah, that would be cool.

"I know!  We could melt the wood down and reuse it for something else."  What?!?!  Oh wait... that was something Grumpy said not Cheetah Boy.  Seriously... what?!?! 

Cheetah Boy is incapable of sitting down a whole meal and eating.  He is always getting up, running about and then taking a bite and repeating.  I told him that if he could sit down for the whole meal for just one day he could pick out any new toy he wanted.  This was about a month ago, and he still hasn't.  Ok, that was kind of unrelated but not totally.  Cheetah Boy put a green bean in his mouth, half hanging out then jumped out of his seat and laid on his tummy on the floor and said, "I'm a snake that Moos!!"  I have no idea.

"Whoopan gangman style.  That song is way deep in my head!  So deep it's in my brain."  He is always singing this song, although he never says the words right, and always says something such as "Oooooo silly mommy", or "oooooo messyyyy baby" instead of "sexy lady" because he isn't allowed to say that part.  I never even played him the song!  He learned it from kids at school.

"Mommy, I need to do my stretches before breakfast!" 
"When did you start doing stretches everyday?"
"Just now." 

"There is a red spider on me."  He said this while he was sitting behind me in the car.  Great.

"I wouldn't be an evil Sith, I would be an Anakin Sith."  Oh, that is another Grumpy one.  I was working on my blog minding my own business, he was playing his Hockey video game and then said this....  He is an interesting fellow.

"I am a real Ninja."  Also Grumpy. 


What silly things has your child (or Grumpy) said lately??

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1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!
    I always do my morning stretches when Cheetah boy stays's rubbing off :)
