
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Catch up on my LIFE

Hey all.  Thanks for reading about my recent backpack trip.  I enjoyed writing about it and realized how very much I miss my blog!  So I am going to try to keep up a little better. Ha. We shall see.  But first I feel the need to fill you all in on the many changes in my life.  I think only family/friends even read this, and they probably all know whats going on, but just in case.  Also it will just feel better for me because I feel the need to start fresh in a way.  I don't know.

Ok so, life changes.  Oh boy.  Wow, my last post (before the backpack one) was on April 10th, 2014.  Um that is over two years ago.  Yeah some big stuff has changed. 

Grumpy and I are no longer a thing.  I know. I will allow you to weep. But it is what it is.  And honestly, we still get a long great.  Well.  He makes me angry to no end, and I still make him shake his head in complete confusion/disbelief-ness.  You will still get to hear about him here.  If that is the only reason you read my blog, which it could be. He's so weird, but gives me good funny stories to write about.  Anyway. That is all I will say on that matter.  

I moved.  I have my own little house now, which means, I think you know, more projects!!!  A whole new house full of them!  So very exciting, I know. I have already started on a few, I moved here in February. And as anyone who knows me know, I don't really just sit around and twiddle my thumbs.  I have to have something to work on. Or a million somethings.... 

I also finished my degree.  So school is done!  Finally.  Well until I decide to go back, because I probably will.  Again, because I always have to have something to do. Anyway, I have my Bachelor of Science in Social Science with a minor in Child and Family Studies.  I know, I know.  I'm so smart!!!

I guess that is it. 

Oh I now have Kitty and Catty, in addition to Doggie. Cheetah Boy is 9 now, and Little Miss is 4.  


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