
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The New Place

My new house is SO cute. And it fits me so wonderfully!  I hope I took enough pictures when I first moved to show you around.  But Before I moved in my friends and I cleansed and blessed my new home.  It was fun.  We burned sage and chanted as we walked around the house.  My new neighbors were all terrified I'm sure. 

It was pretty fun actually and felt right.  It was a way to cleanse and rid myself and the house of any negative items and acknowledge that it was a new beginning.  The children took part as well. 

Also, my mom brought me this.

Do you get it?  Well you should.  Its from "Its a Wonderful Life" (Maybe other places??) But that is where I know it from.  And she said the little saying with it. 
"Bread that this house may never know hunger.
Salt that life may always have flavor.
And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever."

It was all such wonderful things to start out a new chapter in my life. 

And yes, that is a Lego AT-AT walker.  I know you are really jealous.  I got it for myself.. well Cheetah Boy for Christmas... but he has destroyed it.  I have a secret stash of the parts and when I have a few free hours I will rebuild it and place it in my room....  Is that bad??

Ok. Continuing. 

This is how my brother loads his rig.  I was really scared. Somehow it all made it to the new house undamaged.  

Also, do you see that moving truck?  That wasn't mine.  But, it was so amazingly perfect. So.  I can't remember if I have talked about my noisy neighbor (ex-neighbor) across the street.  Well another neighbor was moving the same weekend, and this huge moving semi was blocking the view so he couldn't come over and intrude.  I'm sure he could see around it. But was so confused and had no idea what was going on. Which brought me such happiness. It's the small things. 

Ha, ha, ha, ha.  It couldn't have been more perfect if I tried. 

I don't really have any goo picture of the house.  Boo.  I will add them as I do project around the house and you will still get to see.  Not to worry.

One more thing, My NEW neighbor, (who also happens to be a good friend) brought me cookies. It was sweet.  Especially because sometimes I question if she has a soul.  (This will only be funny if she reads it, but I don't think she will because she doesn't read.)  

There you have it.  The beginning of my new home.  There will be many, many projects and wonderful times here. I'm excited to share them with you. 


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