
Sunday, December 25, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

So I don't know about you, but I'm always like "Oh yeah, new year, new resolutions only THIS is going to be the year.  THIS year I will actually do it.  I will!  I will!" 

Two days later.... Fuck this.  I completely fail at life, I can't do this. 

Maybe you are cool and you last longer then two days.  Just maybe.

Well I thought of a new idea this year.  I am going to break them down and come up with 12 month long resolutions.  My other problem is I have a hard time picking one thing,  I have like a million vague things I want to do and then its hard to keep to it.  You know?  So I am going to come up with 12 specific resolutions and I will take them on once month at a time.  After the month I can decide if I want to keep them up or not depending on how I decide I feel.  But I can do something for a month right?  Or should I only do it for a week...?  Ok I will do them at least the first week of the month, and then if I can manage the whole month I get a prize?  Except the prize has to not cost any money because I'm broke... dammit this is harder then I thought. 

Ok no, I'm going to do it.  It will be good.

Now to come up with the topics and the order to do them.  I'm thinking I will write them down on papers and pick them out one at a time to pick the order, otherwise I will be like.. ummm no I don't want to do that yet. Sound fair? I need to have them all planned out for the year now, and make some sort of really cute display for them.  My ultimate goal is to become more mindful, accepting, and true to myself and others. 

My ideas thus far:


  • No social media (except the blog if I so desire to blog about my journey)
  • Run/walk twice a week and take 1 class once a week
  • No candy/sweets
  • Drink 2 quarts of water a day (Ok even if I drank 1 quart that would be better than now)
  • No phone after I get in bed
  • Write everyday
  • Meditate for 10 minutes everyday  
  • No eating out/fast food

Grumble.  I just came up with another idea.  I want to find a mantra to say to myself everyday, such as look at myself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful."  Maybe a new one each month?  That sounds a little more positive.  Ok, so I will have a mantra and an action each month.  Am I giving myself to much to do??

What do you think?  Anyone want to join me?  


  1. LOVE! And YES!!!! I might steal this idea and do it with you. :) Cheers to 2017 babay!!!

  2. I love it!!!! I'm going to come up with some too!
