
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Downstairs Hallway: Part 4

We made some more progress on the hallway!  Cheetah Boy was pretty excited to paint!  Don't you just love those little rollers?  They are so cute!  And perfect size for a child!  Of course, Cheetah Boy wanted to use the bigger one... I told him next time. (Maybe. Hopefully he will forget I said that.)  

Paint, paint, painting away!  We just love to paint!  (A song we sang while painting.  It is sure to be a hit, don't you think??)

"That is a thing to open the paint can with."
"NO! Don't paint there!!!" 
"Because I need a smaller paintbrush to get the edges and corners."
"I use that to close the paint can."
"That is used to stir the paint before we use it."
"I tape the walls so we don't get paint places we don't want it."
"Because we don't want that painted." 
"Be careful!  You are going to drip that on the floor!"
"Because I have to paint over where you did so I can get the drips."

And it went on and on and on.  The many questions of a 6 year old!!  Until.... (Drum roll please!)

It was all painted!!! Woohoo!!  Thank you very much Little Miss for taking a good nap; I wasn't expecting that!  I will now give you ice cream for supper.  Now time to take all the tape off!  Oh wait, see in that picture that little wall without paint?  Well, I mean without any new paint?  Well, I guess it has samples on it.  Whatever, you see that wall with the shelf full of DVD's in front?  I want to paint that a different shade of blue.  I will paint this little door to the crawlspace the same blue as well.

It's so cute!  And I will probably paint the laundry room that same color too and the ceiling maybe.  Or maybe a different shade.  I haven't decided yet.  Here is a close up of the samples, what do you think??

Clearly that is on a different wall than the one I showed you earlier.  It is on the other side of the staircase you see that I painted above....  OMG, this is confusing huh?  It's just a different wall ok. 

Now I need to take the tape off and figure out the shelves I purchased... Wish me luck!  Oh and maybe I should get off and go pick up Cheetah Boy from school.  Yikes, I might be a little late!

Part 4 of a who-knows-how-long-project.  Read Part 1 here. Or maybe Part 2!  And then if you are up to it Part 3.   


Which blue you think I should use?  Or are you thinking "Gross, you pick out the worse colors"?  (If you think that, then get off my blog! F'ing idiot.) Wow, I need to stop arguing with imaginary people!


  1. I love love love your blog Em! I like the lighter blue on the right, if anyone is actually counting votes :)
    Auntie Mari

  2. Personally, I like the left color best, but I think the right color will match better with the other blue!

  3. Left...darker. but, dare I say, what about another color? mustard yellow, sage green? Just ignore me because if my outfit doesn't have at least 4 different colors in it, I don't like it ; ) I organize by colors and am a color freak.AL
