
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Front Porch: Part 2

I finally did some more work on the front porch!  If you remember, it looked pretty bad.  You can read the first post here.  Well Grumpy didn't like my climbing plant idea.  Sad face.  He said that it would look too messy, and we had just cleaned that area up by ripping out the other bushes and putting the rocks and planters there.   Waa, waa, waa.  Whatever, Grumpy. However, then he made the comment that "well you should have just got the stuff without telling me.  You shouldn't ask for my input."  Hmm.  Well that sounds like a "go ahead love, do whatever you want, go with my blessings."  Don't you think?  I sure do.
So check it out.  Mwa ha ha ha, I will have my way in the end.

Ok, I'm not really evil.  After Grumpy read my blog post (because I might have told him about the idea and he didn't like it before I wrote that post) he said "oh yeah, you can do that if you want, the way you described it in your post sounds good."  So yeah.  I'm not evil. Well, not too evil anyway.
Little Miss and Doggie chilling while I tried to work.  Little Miss wanted out of the playpen and Doggie wanted in.  My silly, silly children. 

So I planted the two plants.  I can't remember what they are called, but they climb and have flowers.  I should go run outside and find the name so I can tell you huh?  Ok just a minute. They are Clematis Vines.  I purchased a purple one and a pink one.  They are supposed to live and grow back each year, hopefully I don't kill them.  So anyway, I planted them and I am going to put the trellis deals on top of the railing on the porch because I think the vines will climb up the railing.  Oh I'm so excited!  I want them to grow!  It will be so pretty. 
I convinced Grumpy to help me move the bench that was on the porch.  I moved it somewhere super awesome for a super awesome idea I have.  I will post about that next.  Maybe.  It is awesome.  (I say that a lot huh? Sorry.)
Ok and then I swept off the porch and moved off all the crap.  Or I moved off all the crap and then swept the porch. Here I am sweeping.  So cute right? 
I bought this at our Farmer's Market this week.  I love it.  So when I do get a little table to put on the porch I will put this on the table.  It makes me happy just thinking about it all. 


Here is a view of the porch now.  Little Miss, stop trying to climb the stairs!  (Yes, Grumpy, I am posting this picture just to freak you out.  Calm down though, Little Miss is fine.)

So I still need to hang up the trellis' on top of the railing and find some cool wire chairs and table from a garage sale.  I also want to make some sort of welcome sign. It is coming together nicely, don't you think??
Do you have any fun ideas for making a welcome sign?  Or family name sign?  Post a link in the comments!


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