
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Backyard Beautification: Part One

So now that we have our new lovely deck!  We need to clean up the huge mess that is our backyard.  We need to plant grass in the huge mud mess where there used to be this weird wooden patio deal.  I didn't take a before picture apparently, but you will see the muck as we go on.  So first I had to go to Home Depot for supplies.  Oh wait I am getting ahead of my self!

So we need to play grass, but as you know we have Doggie, who will destroy any grass we plant, so FIRST we need to fence off part of the yard that will be JUST for Doggie, it will be nice because then anytime we are not out with her, she will be in her place, so hopefully will just poop there instead of all over our yard.... So I wanted to fence off the lower part of the yard, and then I had this plan to also put up lattice so then she will have the area under the lower deck, where I don't really want children crawling under or anything anyway. 

Ok, back to getting supplies.  I measured out the amount of lattice and fence I needed and was off.  I went by myself and felt all cool and handy getting out these huge pieces of lattice, 8 feet long each, and I had to get 4 of them.  They were on the top shelf, OF COURSE, so I had to like stand on the bottom shelf to get them down.  And I had to put it on this huge flatbed cart deal, which was really hard to steer.  I had several people ask me if I needed help during the whole ordeal, but I said no because I felt they were all just asking because I was a girl, so I got all offended.

Anyway, this is about how I felt after.

Yup, pretty cool.  Then I placed all the supplies in the back.  Se this is the end of the yard being fenced off.  Not this WHOLE part, just the end of it. 

Side note:  as I am typing this Little Miss just figured out how to say "Kitty car, meeowww" and she is saying it over and over again.  Pretty f'ing cute.
Ok so here is the deck, and you can see a bunch of mud.  Kind of,  The lighting is weird because it was like in the afternoon so the sun is hitting it weird.

MUD MUD MUD.  We need grass!  But here this is what is used to look like.  Yeah, huge difference.

So I laid all the lattice out and measured to figure out the sizes I needed.

Grumpy kindly offered to cut them for me.  (I needed to make him feel useful somehow, obviously I could have sawed them....)
Ta-da!!  There is some of it.  Oh wait, that is before I actually put it up, that is just all the pieces cut.

There we go, that's better.  So see all the mud!!!  And this is before Grumpy cut some parts around the posts so it is a little bent here. 

This is what I looked like after.  Oh and I forgot to mention it was close to freezing out during this time, so my knees were like numb.

I got mud in my pretty fake nails!  Probably was a bad idea to get nails on right before this project.... as you can see my thumb one fell off.  (sad face)

So there you have it.  Well the first part anyway.  It is getting there!
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