
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Front Yard: Part Three (I think)


Do you even remember who I am?  I don't.  Let me remind you.  I'm that hilarious blogger you just LOVE.  Here is my first post to help refresh your memory, or if you have recently joined this program, to let you know a little about me and my blog!!

Anyway, because of the lovely weather we have been having, well not today obviously, but recently, I have started a few new outside projects!!  However, this post I will be describing some of the projects happening in the front yard.  If you remember, this is where we started with the ugly front yard.  Or there is this one too.  So we have already done a lot of work in the front.  But I want to do more.  It still needs to be pretty-ed up!  So let's see if I can find some current pictures so show you what new project I am working on.

Well here is the products we will be using anyway!!  ROcks, and rocks and more rocks!!

This isn't a totally before picture, but we will just skip ahead a little so you don't get too bored.  If you would notice on the right there is a wall/border deal.  Well it doesn't go all the way to the fence, however for a more polished look I want it to.  We did already get some new bark chips, as you can see, however we will get more to fill it all in after the wall is finished.  And in this picture we did already start with the rock wall.  That would be the rocks on the left side.  They look a little different than the other rocks, but I think it will look good. 

Those rocks were f'ing HEAVY.  Eh!  Heavy, heavy!!  I kept having to yell at Grumpy to lift with his knees, but he doesn't always listen well.  And I totally carried way more heavy rocks than he did.  Just saying. 

This rock below we named Big Pointy.  Grumpy was angry and felt that it didn't go, however as you will see with the after pictures it all worked out just fine.  I also had to keep reminding him just to do as I say and trust it would all work out.  He isn't creative in the least, and he can't "visualize" things unless he actually sees them so he kept getting all worried.  I had to remind him several times that I'm in charge, and just do as your told and don't worry about it. 
You can kind of see in the below picture that there is gravel behind the rocks here, just to help get them in place and drainage/no weeds growing or whatever else.  I don't know how to do this, but it seems to be working!!
So it is looking pretty good huh??  I can't wait until it is all done!  It will look splendid!!!!
Oh and the Super-Mommy is back.  Peace.  Out. 

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