Blogs I Loooo-ooove

Here are a list of blogs that I totally looo-ooove (you must sing that as you read it. In your head or out loud I don't really care).  Or maybe it is a list of blogs that my friends write and I am just being a good friend by letting you know about their blogs.  You will never know!

My totally-absolutely-top-favorite-best-blog-on-the-planet.  Seriously people if you read my blog you must read hers because without her there would be no my blog!  I discovered her blog a little over a year ago and have wanted to start a blog ever sense!!

The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking

A couple other blogs that if it were not for them, there would be no The Super-MommyBlog!  So check them out!!

Getting Schooled: A Blog About Motherhood


More Blogs that I follow:

I want to live like this!!  (My parents met these folks on one of thier trips!)

A Life Made Simple

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