Monday, May 20, 2013

Entryway: Part 1

I'm sorry.  I have a new project to share!  

Moving upstairs!  Not sure Grumpy knows I am planning on painting the entryway area.... oh well.

Before Pictures!!

So if you were to open our front door this is what you would see when you walk in.  Well, kinda I guess you would see directly into the kitchen (you can see a tiny little bit of it on the right of the picture).  But that is our current "family picture wall", but I think I will switch that to the upstairs hallway/stairway wall.  Anyway, so yeah this is the entryway wall I want to paint.  See the lovely paint samples?  The color to the right is the one I used in the laundry room and that one wall downstairs.

Here is another view.  How the heck will I get all the way up in that corner?  I don't know!  We have some high ceilings.  It's silly. And yeah, I want to replace that chandelier.  It is so ugly.  So ugly.  Drives me crazy.  But one thing at a time, one thing at a time.

The Plan

So I'm thinking that I will paint the wall you see best in the second picture the same color I painted the laundry room and that lower wall you can see, and the other wall will be the darker blue and be a kids artwork type wall.  What do you think?  I care, I promise.  I might not do what you think I should!  OR you might give me some awesome idea that I love so much I give you a prize!  You never know!

Golly.  I feel like these before posts are a little on the boring side!  Sorry.  Please come back and see what I end up doing! 


Is it confusing when I have a few projects going?  Should I just do one at a time?  Or are you thinking "I pretty much read your blog for the laughs and don't give a shit about the actual projects"?

(What happened to my favorite commenter?  Aunt Lori.  You left me.)

1 comment:

  1. A few projects at once is sometimes confusing, but you label and link so well! Awesome as always :)


    P.S. Let's do Zumba sometime! I love it!!
