Thursday, April 10, 2014

Backyard Beautification: Part Three

Wow, I'm on a roll with these posts lately huh?!?  Awesome!  Ok so to continue with the backyard patio project.   
Yay!  The last of the gravel is in the back!  Finally.  Three yards of gravel is kind of a lot. 
Cheetah Boy helping level the gravel with his bulldozer.  Awesome job!  You are being SO helpful!  Although, perhaps not as helpful as you think.  But I am glad you are having fun! :) 
So, fast forward a couple days until I had all the stepping stones laid out.  well not all, but most of them.  So I THOUGHT that I would just lay them out and be good.  They didn't all have to match and be even, like this.  Well not exactly like this, as they would all be there, but see not even. 
But I only thought this because I forgot I was crazy for a little bit.  Of course I would need them to be even.  (Sigh)  Looks like more work for The Super Mommy.  So I got some old wood that came from something Doggie chewed up.  (Don't worry about it Grumpy.)  As it turned out, they worked perfectly for spacers.  See.

Little Miss, why did you decide you needed to dig RIGHT WHERE I WAS WORKING???  Oh yeah, cause that's right where I was working. 

And then she decided to walk on the stones I just spaced out.  I had to remind myself that she weighs less than the stones, so she probably wouldn't be able to move them and mess up the spacing.  However, I started putting some gravel in between to help hold them there. 

Looking pretty good eh?  We got this like sand/cement type stuff that will go in the gaps and then you just need to lightly spray it down and it will harden.  It sounded easier than cement.  But I don't really know. 
So it turns out making a patio, when you are crazy and need it all to line up perfectly, and you are trying to do this with a little one walking all over it, is hard work.  And can seem impossible.  So after I did the above, I was feeling like this.
But then that Little Miss had to come give me a hug. 
Ok, maybe I should just wait until Grumpy isn't at work, and I can devote all my time and attention on this project. 

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"
Until next time!!!
Has anyone used that sand/cement stuff you spray?  And would cement just be easier?!?

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